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Rolex Award for Enterprise 2018 (CHF 100,000)

The Rolex Institute invites nominations for the Rolex Awards for Enterprise. Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2017. The awards were created to foster a spirit of enterprise and advance human knowledge and well-being. The Rolex Awards for Enterprise support pioneering work in the following areas: environment, applied science and technology, and exploration. Each winner receives 100,000 Swiss francs.

Five Rolex Awards will be offered to Young Leaders, between the ages of 18 and 30 years old, who have a ground-breaking proposal or initiative that will help to expand knowledge of our world and improve the quality of life on the planet.

Since 1976, Rolex has honoured extraordinary individuals who possess the courage and conviction to take on major challenges. Each Rolex Award for Enterprise is given for a new or ongoing project anywhere in the world – one that deserves support for its capacity to improve lives, or protect the world’s natural and cultural heritage. These projects have touched all aspects of humanity by expanding knowledge or improving life on the planet.

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