Hemophilia - Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program 2014 ($ 200,000)
Bayer Healthcare invites applications for its Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program. Closing date to submit proposals is November 30, 2013. The program consist of the following for Awards:
• Special Project Award: The maximum grant is $ 100,000 over one year or $ 200,000 over two years;
• Early Career Investigator Award: funding of $ 100,000 annually for two years;
• Fellowship Project Award: funding of up to $ 80,000 annually for two years;
• Caregiver Award: up to four new awards of up to $ 25,000 will be made annually.
The Bayer Hemophilia Awards Program supports basic and clinical research and education in hemophilia. Through grants provided to early career investigators, fellows in training, and other hemophilia care professionals, the program seeks to support the next steps for the next generation of care and treatment options for people with hemophilia worldwide.
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2011 NB Haarlem