New joint JPI call on climate predictability and inter-regional linkages
NWO takes part as a funding partner in the international call for proposals in the field of climate predictability and inter-regional linkages organized by the Joint Programming Initiative Climate and the Belmont Forum. Deadline for submitting preproposals is June 1, 2015. Dutch researchers can join the call as part of international consortia. The call shall be run by the secretariat of the Belmont Forum. The budget of NWO is € 500,000. Funding is up to € 250,000.
Aim of the call is to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on the role of interregional linkages in climate variability and predictability. Major impediments still exist for having efficient climate services at regional and local leave, because of little or poorly understood climate processes, in part caused by a paucity of observations, inadequate dissemination of scientific knowledge, conflicts between climatic and non-climatic stressors and lack of action by decision makers and the human society at large.
In order to be eligible for funding, a project should address one or more of the following topics:
Topic 1 - Understanding past and current variability and trends of regional extremes;
Topic 2 - Predictability and prediction skills for near-future variability and trends of regional extremes;
Topic 3 - Co-construction of near term forecast products with users.
The duration of a project is three years. The participating partner agencies in this call are BMWFW (Austria), FAPESP (Brazil), NSFC (China), ANR (France), BMBF (Germany), MoES (India), JST + MEXT (Japan), RCN (Norway), QNRF (Qatar), FORMAS (Sweden) and NERC (United Kingkom). The deadline for full proposals is 15 September 2015.
InnoFunding B.V.
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