China-Netherlands Programme Joint Research Projects: Call 'Stem Cell Research'
The China – Netherlands CAS-NWO Programme has opened a call for proposals, which addresses the research topic 'Stem Cell Research' (as part of the ZonMw programme Translational Adult Stem Cell Research). Deadline for submission of grant applications is June 4th 2015, 14.00 CET. The CAS-NWO Programme aims at stimulating sustainable research collaboration by funding joint research projects. It also aspires a high level of visibility of the projects and their output.
Eligible research teams are composed of Dutch and Chinese researchers, with active involvement in the project of a senior Principal Investigator on both the Dutch and the Chinese side.
A budget up to a maximum of € 1,400,000 is available for the 2015 CAS-NWO Programme Call on the Dutch side. This budget covers funding for four joint research projects. This contribution will be matched by CAS. The maximum budget that can be applied for on the Dutch side for an individual project will comprise up to € 350,000, covering funding for 1 Postdoc or PhD position (fixed rates conform sector wage grid of the NFU or VSNU) and a maximum of € 120,000 for research costs (including travel and accommodation costs for project meetings, exchange visit, materials and equipment).
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