Computational sciences for energy research: Pre-announcement third call for PhD research projects
The second half of March 2014 the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) will publish a new call within the joint programme 'Computational sciences for energy research' (CSER) of Shell, NWO and FOM. This third call is for approximately twelve PhD research projects in the field of computational sciences, relevant to the energy-related themes within the top sectors Energy and Chemistry. The call is open for all areas. Research proposals in the areas of computational chemistry and materials science, multiphysics, big data, and computational geoscience are explicitly invited. The expected deadline for proposals is April 21, 2014.
Parallel to the call, the Shell Technology Centre Bangalore (STCB) in India will recruit about 25 talented researchers who are willing to do their PhD in the Netherlands and then to continue their career at Shell in Bangalore. The application process for PhD students will include various interviews at selected locations in India. A matchmaking process will be held in October or November this year to connect PhD candidates to selected projects and vice versa. A successful match will result in a granted research project, a signed employment contract between the PhD student and FOM, and a letter of intent from Shell for a job in Bangalore after completion of the PhD. The first PhD students will be able to start in the beginning of 2015.
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