Celtic-Plus Call for Proposals 2015
The next opportunity to submit Celtic-Plus project proposals is 10 February 2015. Celtic-Plus is an industry-driven European research initiative to define, perform and finance through public and private funding common research projects in the area of telecommunications, new media, future Internet, and applications & services focusing on a new "Smart Connected World" paradigm. Celtic-Plus projects are close to the market and have a track record of fast exploitation results after the end of the project.
You are free to define your project proposal according to your own research interests and priorities. Your proposals are not bound by any call texts, as long as it is within the ICT/telecommunications area. Project proposals typically fit into one of the two Celtic-Plus areas, “Get connected” and “While connected”. "Get connected” addresses everything needed to establish, run and secure the communication, including the infrastructure and connectivity aspects. Key topics of current and future Celtic-Plus projects are related to network capacity, optics, mobility, security, robustness, and energy efficiency. “While connected” tackles all aspects once communication is established, including requirements for end-to-end services and applications. Key topics of current and future Celtic-Plus projects are 5G, Smart Cities, Smart Homes, digital enterprises, e-health, big data, Internet of Things, as well as horizontal services, like security, privacy, identity and public safety.
For more information and documents please here.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem