Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes and Awards 2016 (£ 5,000)
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is looking for candidates for its Prizes and Awards. Closing date for submitting nominations is January 15, 2016. The prizes and awards of the RSC recognise achievements by individuals, teams and organisations in advancing the chemical sciences. There are over 60 prizes and awards available, covering all areas of the chemical sciences. Winners of prizes receive £ 5,000 and a medal or inscribed memento, awards winners receive £ 2,000 and also a medal or inscribed memento.
The RSC develops and supports science and technology policy and activities across the chemical sciences in the UK and internationally. The RSC plays an important role in recognising and rewarding outstanding achievements by the chemical community both in the UK and internationally. It also administers a number of prizes and makes funding available, particularly to encourage young members of the community or those working overseas. The many awards, Medals and Lectureships administered by the RSC reflect the huge range of activities undertaken by the chemical sciences community both within the UK and overseas. Meetings are often associated with these awards and there is also an annual awards ceremony. On the following areas Prizes and Awards are offered:• Analytical Chemistry;• Biosciences; • Education; • Environment, Sustainability & Energy;• Industry & Technology; • Inorganic Chemistry; • Materials Chemistry; • Organic Chemistry; • Physical Chemistry.
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