ZonMw publishes third call Enabling Technologies Hotels
ZonMw launched the third call within the programme Enabling Technologies Hotels. Deadline for submitting proposals is October 13, 2015. The programme aims at giving researchers in public-private partnerships (the ‘guests’) access to high-end infrastructures within public. There is a budget available of € 780,000 and funding that can be requested per hotel project is up to € 30,000. NWO Earth and Life Sciences (ALW) and ZonMw have made funds available for this call for projects. The Technology Hotel concept entails that researchers (the guests) who do not have access to high-end technologies, can obtain access to these technologies and the connected expertise and infrastructure via a service-oriented facility (the Hotel). In the first round of the Enabling Technologies Hotels programme, this Hotel concept has been proven to be an excellent model. This Hotel programme contributes to the aims of the Topsectors Life Sciences and Health (LSH – more specifically the Roadmap Enabling Technologies & Infrastructure), Agri&Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials. The goal of this call is to stimulate collaboration between researchers and technologists within the framework of a public private partnership (PPP).
Support can be requested in the following areas:
Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology;
Genomics (incl. Next Generation Sequencing approaches);
Proteomics & Structural Biology;
Bioimaging & Phenotyping (incl. Advanced Microscopy and Medical Imaging).
InnoFunding B.V.
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