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Call announced on assumptions underlying Dialogue and Dissent policy framework

NWO announces a new call on scrutinizing the Theory of Change of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MFAs) policy framework Dialogue and Dissent, and especially its underlying assumptions. It is expected this month. The MFA of the Netherlands and the WOTRO Science for Global Development division of NWO joined forces to fund research based on projects and programmes that are implemented in Low and Lower Middle Income Countries (LLMICs) by Civil Society Organisations (CSO).

There will be a budget available of € 3 million. The call will be open for consortia consisting of a main applicant from a Dutch university and co-applicant from a research organisation based in one of the LLMICs where the empirical part will be executed. For effective knowledge brokering, main applicant and also the co-applicant must participate in knowledge sharing activities organised by the Knowledge platform INCLUDE.


The call aims to fund research projects that strengthen the evidence-base of the policy framework Dialogue and Dissent. It summons scientists to submit research proposals that scrutinize specific articulated assumptions of the Theory of Change (ToC) underlying the policy framework using primarily qualitative scientific methodologies.


The call will be announced on the website of NWO and in the Newsflash of WOTRO.

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