First International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband, Barcelona, Spain
Event date:
2012-10-08 The First International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband will take place on 8 October 2012 in Barcelona, Spain.
Community networking is an emerging model where communities of citizens build, operate and own open IP-based networks, a key infrastructure for individual and collective digital participation.
Although community based networks often extend or complement the coverage of networks of commercial ISPs, they differ in several key aspects. There is usually no central authority that is responsible for a precise network planning. Support is decentralised and open, provided by the community. The network nodes are often inexpensive off the shelf equipment and the network elements exhibit a high degree of heterogeneity in the hardware, software, and capacity.
These community networks are usually built with low cost point-to-point wireless links, MANET networks, and an increasing presence of optical fibre links.
The event will be a meeting point for exchanging ideas, discussing solutions, and sharing experiences among researchers and practitioners, both from academia and community networks.
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