NWO publishes call New Polymer Materials (NEWPOL)
NWO invites applications from academic scientists to apply for funding to develop new polymer materials by integration of classical polymer chemistry with concepts from supramolecular chemistry and/or soft matter science such as specific, reversible interactions and/or self-organisation at different length scales. Deadline of submissions is September 10, 2015. The public-private partnership projects are conducted in collaboration with the industrial parties that participate in the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI).
The budget available is approximately € 1.4 million (2/3 NWO and 1/3 private cash co-financing of the Dutch Polymer Institute). Additionally, TKI project allowance can be applied for on a project basis (total approx. € 119,000). Funding is up to € 257,300 per project, which is composed of maximally € 237,500 from the call budget and maximally approx. € 20,000 additional TKI allowance.
The public-private partnership programme NEWPOL aims at the development of new polymer materials that meet the societal and industrial need for sustainability and multifunctionality. The challenge is to develop new "green" chemistry that improves the processing and the recycling of polymer materials and uses solvents with a low risk profile. The research goals include the design of new chemical pathways in which molecular functionality combined with spontaneous self-assembly produces a new generation of polymer materials with a controlled morphology on different length scales. The industrial project commitment guarantees a smooth implementation of project results.
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