European Commission has adopted the CEF Telecom Work Programme 2017
Up to € 77 million is foreseen to be allocated under the 2017 CEF Telecom Work Programme for grants. CEF Telecom, in its part dedicated to the digital services infrastructure deployment, is designed to deploy this infrastructure across the EU, based on mature technical and organisational solutions to support exchanges and collaboration between citizens, businesses and public authorities. In 2017 the Digital Service Infrastructures launched in the past three years will be expanded.
The 2017 CEF Telecom calls for proposals will provide support for activities related to:
CEF-TC-2017-1, deadline for submissions May 18, 2017:
- Business Registers Interconnection System (BRIS): indicative budget: € 2 million;
- eIdentification (eID) & eSignature: indicative budget: € 7 million;
- Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI): indicative budget: € 17 million;
- European e-Justice Portal: indicative budget: € 1.5 million;
CEF-TC-2017-2, call open May 4, 2017, deadline for submissions September 21, 2017:
- Cyber Security: indicative budget: € 12 million;
- eDelivery: indicative budget: € 0.5 million;
- eHealth: indicative budget: € 9 million;
- eProcurement: indicative budget: € 4 million;
CEF-TC-2017-3, call open June 28, 2017, deadline for submissions November 28, 2017:
- eInvoicing: indicative budget: € 10 million;
- eTranslation: indicative budget: € 6 million;
- Europeana: indicative budget: € 2 million;
- Public Open Data: indicative budget: € 6 million.
The Work Programme outlines the general objectives, priorities and expected impacts of the actions that will be supported in the field of Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs).
The 2017-1 CEF Telecom calls virtual Info Daywill take place on Tuesday February 28, 2017 and will cover four priorities of the first 2017 CEF Telecom Call.
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