Australia - Selby Travelling Fellowship 2015 ($A 13,000)
The Australian Academy of Science invites nominations for its Selby Travelling Fellowships. Deadline for applications is June 15, 2015. The fellowships are awarded to distinguished overseas scientists to visit Australia for public lecture/seminar tours and to visit scientific centres in Australia. Up to $A 13,000 is available to cover economy airfares and assistance towards living expenses. The fellowships are tenable for visits between two weeks and three months.
Visits to as many areas of Australia as possible, including Western Australia, are encouraged. The amount offered is subject to a budget and detailed itinerary. The fellowship was established as a source of funds to help finance education, research and development in the fields of science and medicine.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem