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Call for proposals for projects of 3rd Health Programme published

The annual work plan 2016 for the third Health programme 2014-2020 was adopted on February 29, 2016. The call for proposals for projects (HP-PJ-2016) under the 2016 work plan was published last Friday March 4. The deadline of submissions is June 2, 2016. The total available budget is € 13,050,000.  
Applications can be submitted for five topics:

Migrants’ health: Best practices in care provision for vulnerable migrants and refugees (PJ-01-2016);
Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking (PJ-02-2016);
Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practises to on measures to prevent illicit drug use in line with the minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction (PJ-03-2016);
Support to Member States and stakeholders to address the chronic disease challenge (PJ-04-2016);
Donor selection and protection (PJ-05-2016).

The third EU Health Programme 2014-2020 is aimed at encouraging innovation in healthcare, increasing the sustainability of health systems, improving the health of EU citizens and protecting them from cross-border health threats. The Health for Growth programme builds on the two previous programmes covering the periods 2003-2008 and 2008-2013.

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