Another H2020 Space call open for applications
The European Commission has opened a LEIT-Space (Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Space) call under the pillar Industrial Leadership (IL) of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020. Deadline of submission of the call Competitiveness of the European Space Sector-2015 is April 8, 2015. The call with identifier H2020-COMPET-2015 has a budget of € 39,000,000.
The submission session is now available for:
COMPET-01-2015: Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness;
COMPET-02-2015: Independent access to space;
COMPET-03-2015: Bottom-up space technologies at low TRL;
COMPET-04-2015: Space exploration – Habitat management;
COMPET-05-2015: Scientific exploitation of astrophysics, comets, and planetary data;
COMPET-06-2015: International Cooperation in space science.
Space research has as its main objective and challenge to foster a cost-effective competitive and innovative space industry (including SMEs) and research community to develop and exploit space infrastructure to meet future Union policy and societal needs.
Building on the successes of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Horizon 2020 will enable the European space research community to develop innovative space technologies and operational concepts "from idea to demonstration in space", and to use space data for scientific, public, or commercial purposes. This will anchor and structure space research and innovation at the European level and address key aspects identified in the Commission Communication “EU Space Industrial Policy: Releasing the Potential for Growth in the Space Sector”. Actions will be carried out in conjunction with research activities of the Member States and European Space Agency (ESA), aiming at building up complementarity among different actors.
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