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European JPI Climate Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects open for applications

NWO announces the recently opened JPI (Joint Programming Initiative) Climate Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects. Deadline for submission of pre-proposals is November 29, 2013. The call aims to facilitate research activities in the European Research Area that inform and support societal transformations in the face of climate change and in line with sustainable development in Europe and globally. The social sciences and humanities are crucial to understanding these processes of change.

Applicants for Dutch projects can apply for either a PhD position for three or four years, full-time, or for a Postdoc position for two to four years, full-time or with a minimum of 0.6 fte. The total budget for Dutch researchers is up to € 500,000. Per project the budget is up to € 250,000 (incl. bench fee). The call is open to international consortia of researchers and research groups from academic and other organisations that have a strong focus on research.

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