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Sixth IMI call launched

The JTI Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 has launched its sixth call for proposals under the IMI 2 programme. Deadline for submitting short proposals is January 12, 2016. The call with identifier H2020-JTI-IMI2-2015-06 has an indicative budget of € 93 million and features four topics on which two focuses under the Big Data for Better Outcomes. Half of the call's budget (€ 46,5 million) comes from the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation. The other half will be contributed by EFPIA companies involved in the projects as well as other Associated Partners. These groups do not receive any funding from IMI, but contribute 'in kind' with their researchers' time, access to resources and equipment, etc.
The following participants shall be eligible for funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking:

legal entities established in a Member State or an associated country, or created under Union law and which fall within one of the following categories:

micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and other companies with an annual turnover of € 500 million or less, the latter not being affiliated entities of companies with an annual turnover of more than € 500 million,
secondary and higher education establishments,
non-profit organisations, including those carrying out research or technological development as one of their main objectives or those that are patient organisations;

the Joint Research Centre;
international European interest organisations.

The goal of the IMI 2 programme is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI's first phase. As before, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry.

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