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Brains - Foundation for PSP | CBD and Related Brain Diseases 2014-4 ($ 100,000)

The Foundation for PSP | CBD and Related Brain Diseases (CurePSP) invites applications for its Research Grants. Grant applications are received quarterly; upcoming deadline is October 15, 2014. The period of the grant may be up to 3 years in duration but the total cannot exceed $ 100,000. CurePSP’s research program has four components: Investigator-Initiated Research, Clinical Trials, CurePSP-Initiated Research and Trainee Research.

The research program supports and promotes research that can advance understanding, treatment and prevention of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia complex (ALS/PDC) of Guam and/or Guadeloupean tauopathy and other atypical Parkinsonian disorders.

CurePSP aims to increase awareness of these disorders; fund research toward treatment, cure and prevention; educate healthcare professionals; and provide support, information and hope for affected persons and their families.

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