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Second ERACoSysMed Joint Transnational Call open

The second ERACoSysMed joint transnational call, which is co-funded by the EU is open for applications. Deadline for submitting pre-proposals is March 17, 2017. The call addresses important health-related societal challenges through effective transnational and interdisciplinary research collaborations. ZonMw participates in the call for the Netherlands with a budget of € 450,000 and wants to fund the Dutch partner(s) of two research projects. The total budget available is about € 7.23 million.

Projects should substantiate the translation of Systems Medicine into medical research and practice by focusing on high quality data sets and clinical relevance. Furthermore they should define new innovative approaches and tools that enable the integration of biological and clinical data that will lead to the creation of new and/or improved computational models.


A consortium submitting a proposal must involve a minimum of three and a maximum of five eligible partners from at least three different countries participating in the call. The participating countries besides the Netherlands are Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Each application in which a Dutch group is applying for funds must contain matched funding of at least 10% of the total funds that the Dutch public partners have applied for provided by private partner(s) in the consortium.

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