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European Prize for Innovation in Public Administration open for submission

The European Prize for Innovation in Public Administration will be awarded to the nine most innovative initiatives run by public authorities from across Europe that are bringing improvements to citizens' lives, helping firms and stimulating research and education. With this Prize, the Commission wants to reward excellence and innovation which has the potential to be replicated in other European contexts.

Each winning Public Administration initiative will be supported with € 100,000 to scale up the most promising ideas for the future and induce further innovation. There are three prizes of € 100,000 for  
for initiatives for citizens, three prizes of € 100,000 for initiatives for firms and three prizes of € 100,000 for initiatives for research and education.  

The contest is open to public administrations. These can be any state, regional or local authority established under national law as a public body and executing government policy, for example: ministries, regional governments, municipalities, city councils etc. The deadline for submission of applications is 15 February 2013.

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