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Three new Horizon Low Carbon Energy Inducement Prizes prizes published

The European Commission has published three new Horizon Low Carbon Energy Inducement Prizes under the Societal Challenge 'Secure, clean and efficient energy'. The prizes are Photovoltaics meets History (H2020-LCE-PRIZES-2016-02) which closes September 26, 2018, CO2 Reuse (H2020-LCE-PRIZES-2016-03) and Low Carbon Hospital (H2020-LCE-PRIZES-2016-01) which both will close April 3, 2019. The budgets respectively are € 1.5 million and € 1 million.For further details and documents on the prizes please check here.
The Energy Challenge is designed to support the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system. To make the transition to a competitive energy system, we need to overcome a number of challenges, such as increasingly scarce resources, growing energy needs and climate change.

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