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Medicines - From Targets To Novel Drugs Grants 2013, 2nd deadline (€ 125,000)

Bayer HealthCare asks for proposals for its From Targets To Novel Drugs Grants. The submission closing date is August 31, 2013. Bayer HealthCare allocates grants for the exploration of attractive, novel drug targets in the fields of oncology, gynecology, cardiology and hematology. There are two different types of grants available:
• Support Grants: € 5,000 - € 10,000;
• Focus Grants: € 10,000 - € 125,000.

With this initiative, Bayer HealthCare aims to encourage research on novel targets in areas of mutual interest. By combining expertise from industry and academia, the institute intends to accelerate the transition from basic research to new promising treatment options.

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