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Three new DG Home Affairs calls published

The DG Home Affairs of the European Commission has published three new calls for proposals, The call Funding for the rehabilitation of victims of torture, with identifier HOME/2015/PAVT/AG is a pilot project or preperatory action of victims in torture.
Both Actions addressing Trafficking in Human Beings (identifier HOME/2015/ISFP/AG/THBX) and Implementation of the EU CBRN Action Plan (identifier HOME/2015/ISFP/AG/CBRN) are pubished under the Internaional Securty Fund,

Deadline for the 'Funding for the rehabilitation of victims of torture' call is 8 September 2015. Actions are funded in the form of co-financing. The total budget earmarked for the cofinancing of projects is € 1.179.946,52. The grant amount requested by a Partnership for the implementation of an individual project shall be between € 300.000 and € 750.000.

Deadline for submission for the 'Actions addressing trafficking in human beings' call is 29 September 2015. The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at € 3.000.000.

The call for proposals 'Implementation of the EU CBRN Action Plan, the EU Action Plan on enhancing the security of explosives and the European programme of critical infrastructure protection'  budget is earmarked for the co-financing of projects and is estimated at € 4.500.000. The Commission expects to fund approximately 8-10 proposals.
Deadline for submission is 1 October 2015.
European Union States are committed to increasing cooperation on cross-border issues, such as asylum, migration, border control, organised crime and terrorism. As part of the European Commission, Directorate-General (DG) Home Affairs prepares EU-level rules in these policy areas and watches over their application. This DG is also responsible for funding related projects in EU States.

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