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European Commission opens consultation on ‘Science 2.0’

‘Science 2.0’ describes the on-going evolution in the modus operandi of doing research and organising science. These changes in the dynamics of science and research are enabled by digital technologies and driven by the globalisation of the scientific community, as well as the need to address the Grand Challenges of our times. The consultation is run jointly by DG Research & Innovation and DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.

The three main objectives of the consultation are:
1. to assess the degree of awareness amongst the stakeholders of the changing modus operandi;
2. to assess the perception of the opportunities and challenges a;
3. to identify possible policy implications and actions to strengthen the competitiveness of the European science and research system by enabling it to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by Science 2.0.

The period of consultation is 3 july 2014 to 30 september 2014. You can preview/print a pdf version of the online questionnaire ( 204 KB) to help you to prepare your response. Please click here to submit your contribution.

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