ALS Association - Investigator-Initiated Research Grant Programme 2014 ($ 240,000)
The ALS Association invites applications for its Investigator-Initiated Research Grant Programme. Deadline for submitting proposals is January 13, 2014. The ALS Association supports innovative research of high scientific merit and relevance to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), offering investigators awards in the following categories:
• Multi-year Grants: research that is projected for periods of up to three years with a maximum budget of $ 80,000 a year;
• Starter Grants: one-year awards for New Investigators entering the field of ALS proposing innovative and novel projects likely to provide important results relevant to ALS research. Alternatively, they can be pilot studies by established ALS investigators. The maximum budget is $ 40,000;
• The Milton Safenowitz Post Doctoral Fellowship for ALS Research Awards: offered only in the Spring Cycle, awards are for two years at a maximum of $ 50,000 per year.
The mission of the ALS Association ("ALSA") is to find a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (often called Lou Gehrig's disease). ALSA welcomes applications for support of promising, quality, innovative research in the field of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
InnoFunding B.V.
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2011 NB Haarlem