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Employment and Social Innovation - three new calls published

The European Commission has published three new calls under the programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). EaSI integrates and extends the coverage of three existing programmes: Progress (Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity), EURES (European Employment Services) and the European Progress Microfinance Facility.

The call Support for social dialogue (VP/ 2019/001) closes on June 13, 2019. The call will be used to finance consultations, meetings, negotiations and other actions as outlined in the European Commission's Communication on The European social dialogue, a force for innovation and change (COM(2002)341), the Communication on Partnership for change in an enlarged Europe - Enhancing the contribution of European social dialogue (COM(2004)557) and the Commission Staff Working Document on the Functioning and potential of European sectoral social dialogue (SEC(2010)964). The indicative budget is € 9,323,991. The Commission expects to award 5-7 grants (€ 150,000 and € 650,000).


The call EURES programme: Cross-border partnerships and support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility for EEA countries and social partners (VP/ 2019/006) has a budget of € 9,323,991. For strand 1 "Cross-border partnerships" € 8.4 million. For strand 2 "Support to the development of new cross-border partnerships", € 600,000. For strand 3 "Support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility in the EEA countries" € 353,761. For strand 4 "Support to cooperation on intra-EU mobility for social partners" € 300,000. 

The overall objectives of the call are to promote workers' intra-EU labour mobility, to boost employment opportunities as well as to support the implementation of the EURES Regulation. The call consists of four strands and closes on June 6, 2019.

The call PROGRESS programme: Posting of workers: enhancing administrative cooperation and access to information (VP/ 2019/008) intends to support the Commission and the Member States to understand existing and new challenges and develop initiatives in the field of posting of workers and a decent work agenda. The call has a budget of € 3,000,000. The Commission expects to award 5-7 grants (€ 150,000 and € 650,000). The call closes on June 13, 2019. 

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