2015 Call for Proposals International Fund for the Promotion of Culture is open
The International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC) is looking for artists, creators, NGO's and non-private or public bodies, whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artist creation. Deadline for submission is 29 May 2015. Priority is given to young artists and creators aged 18 to 30 years old.
The amount of assistance required is between US $ 20,000 and US $ 100,000 and covers no more than 80% of the total project budget. Another source of funding, whether financial or in kind, has been identified, covering at least 20% of the total estimated budget. Final selection will be made in February 2016. Successful candidates only will be notified no later than two weeks following the date of the selection.
The resources of the IFPC are intended to promote:
cultures as sources of knowledge, meanings, values and identity;
the role of culture for sustainable development;
artistic creativity in all its forms, while respecting freedom of expression;
international and regional cultural cooperation.
InnoFunding B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 7
2011 NB Haarlem