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Call Partnership NWO TTW- Rijk Zwaan published - Digital phenotyping of plant-pathogen interactions

The mission of the NWO TTW- Rijk Zwaan Partnership programme is to create an alliance between academic research groups specialized in the field of plant-microbe interactions, technical universities and the plant breeding industry for the development of innovative phenotyping tools and methodologies aiming to facilitate breeding activities related to plant disease resistance. Deadline for submitting proposals is 25 april 2017. The total budget is € 2.850.000.

The maximum funding that can be requested for a project is € 750,000 (inclusive of Dutch VAT). The typical Partnership project duration ranges from 2 to 4 years, starting from the award date of the project grants within the Partnership programme.


To accomplish accurate phenotyping, innovations in both image acquisition as well as image analysis are important. Therefore, it is expected that major improvements are to be made in the hardware (image acquisition) and software (image analysis) for the purpose of accurate disease phenotyping. The challenge will be to connect the knowledge of trained experts to all different parameters that can be monitored and to come up with those most discriminative and informative for the trait investigated. We therefore envision that combining the strength of universities in the field of plant sciences with the strength of technical universities will be most valuable.


Please be aware that it is mandatory to contact a representative of Rijk Zwaan before submission to discuss your project idea and to determine whether the project fits within the scope of the Partnership programme and to send a notification regarding the intention to submit a research proposal to the TTW programme coordinator preferably no later than one (1) week before the deadline.

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