Call rare diseases published under 3rd EU Health Programme
The European Commission has published a new call under the third Health Programme 2014-2020 (HP3). The Call Rare Disease - Support for New Registries (HP-PJ-06-2016) has a budget of € 1,200,000. The closing date for applications is March 21, 2017. For more detailed information and documents please click here.
The third EU Health Programme 2014-2020 aims at encouraging innovation in healthcare, increasing the sustainability of health systems, improving the health of EU citizens and protecting them from cross-border health threats. The programme builds on the two previous programmes covering the periods 2003-2008 and 2008-2013. Compared to the former programmes the new one concentrates support on a smaller number of activities in priority areas, in line with the Europe 2020 strategy. The programme has four overarching objectives which seek to:
Promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the 'health in all policies' principle;
Protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats;
Contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems;
Facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens.
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