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Transport Info Day for call 2014 Connecting Europe Facility

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) organises a Transport Info Day for the Call for Proposals 2014. The event, which will take place 9 October 2014 in the afternoon and Friday, 10 October 2014 for the entire day in Brussels, will presented the priorities for the 2014 CEF Transport calls for proposals (still to be announced) – the first calls for transport under the new Connecting Europe Facility.

In addition to the information on the priorities of the 2014 call(s) for proposals and the policy context, the Info Day also provided participants with practical information about how to prepare a successful proposal, as well as other background information relevant to the application and evaluation process.

A more detailed draft agenda and information for registration will be available shortly on the Inea website.

CEF was set up for the period 2014-2020 to provide the EU financial assistance to projects of common interest in transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure sectors, in order to accelerate investment in the trans-European networks and to exploit potential synergies between these sectors.

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