NWO call Social Protection open for proposals (€ 300,000)
The NWO-division of WOTRO Science for Global Development invites applications for the programme Social Protection - Research for Inclusive Development in Sub-Sahara Africa. Letters of Intent must be submitted September 1, 2014. The programme aims at enhancing the insight in the cost-effectiveness of social protection interventions in achieving inclusive growth in specified Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), compared to other social policies that aim to achieve the same objective.
Consortia consisting of at least two research organisations from across the globe, including at least one from an LMIC, may apply for funding for joint research and knowledge sharing projects on the cost-effectiveness of social protection programmes in one of seven target countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Ruanda or Uganda. Proposals should focus on comparative, country-case studies and on the medium and long term impact on household or community level of regular social protection programmes.
The budget available for this call is € 2,100,000. Funding is up to € 300,000 for a project duration of 24 months. Deadline for submitting proposals is October 1, 2014.
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