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Cardiology - EACVI Research Grants 2015 (€ 25,000)

The European Association Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) invites applications for its Research Grants for 2015. Deadline of submissions is September 30, 2014. EACVI offers one-year grants of € 25,000 to researchers under the age of 38 to obtain research experience in a high standard academic centre in an ESC member country, other than their own.

The purpose of the Research Grant Programme is to provide an opportunity for specialised research in the field of non-invasive imaging modalities (Echocardiography, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT). A research period shorter than 12 months will not be accepted. The length of the research period may be extended, in which case the host institution will bear the costs.

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