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FOM publishes second call for tenure-track positions within Computational sciences for energy research

The Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) has published the First call for tenure-track positions within 'Computational sciences for energy research'. Deadline for submissions is September 14, 2015. The budget available is € 4.2 million. For more detailed information and documents please click here.

The current call for tenure track projects is part of the joint programme to make a sustainable investment in the computational sciences in the Netherlands in the field of Chemistry (NWO-CW), Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW), Physical Sciences (NWO-EW), Physics (FOM) and Technical Sciences (STW) for which a total budget of M€ 6.7 is available. The present, second call with a budget of M€ 4.2 is for a maximum of 6 new tenure track projects in the field of computational sciences, relevant to the energy-related themes within the top sectors Energy and Chemistry. The call is open for all areas, like computational chemistry and materials science, multiphysics, big data, computational geoscience, etc.

In 2012, Shell and NWO started a joint large scale public-private partnership in basic research in the energy domain: Computational sciences for energy research. Various NWO divisions are involved in the CSER initiative: FOM, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Social Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences, and Technology Foundation STW. This collaboration across a range of computational science disciplines is uniquely positioned to give a long-term boost to the field of CSER.

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