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New calls published in Justice Progamme and Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020

The DG Justice of the European Commission has published new calls in both the Justice Progamme 2014 -2020 and the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014 - 2020. Two news calls were announced in the Justice programme, and five in the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.

The Justice Programme contributes to the further development of a European area of justice based on mutual recognition and mutual trust.

The call for proposals for action grants to support national or transnational e-Justice projects (JUST-JACC-EJU-AG-2019) aims to support the development of pan-European electronic solutions and services in the area of justice which have the potential to produce outputs of tangible added value. The call has a budget of € 2,200,000. Deadline for applications is June 13, 2019. The objective of the call for proposals for action grants to support transnational projects on judicial training covering civil law, criminal law or fundamental rights (JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2019)  is to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law, criminal law and fundamental rights, judicial ethics and the rule of law, by helping to address the training needs of justice professionals in these fields. It also targets the specific training needs of court staff and bailiffs, as well as prison and probation staff. The call has a budget of € 5,350,000. Deadline date is June 27, 2019.


The Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme contributes to the further development of an area where equality and the rights of persons. 

The Restricted call for proposals to national authorities on closing gender gaps over the life cycle - work-life balance for women and men - a better sharing of care (REC-RGEN-WWLB-AG-2019) will focus on the gender gaps over the life-cycle, looking at work-life balance for women and men, including through a better sharing of care. The aim is to support Member States in raising awareness and tackling gender stereotypes with regard to roles in work and in private life, and in particular with regard to reconciliation issues (including the promotion of the uptake of family-related leaves by men), taking into account national specificities, complemented by EU broad common messages. Deadline date is May 16, 2019. The call has a budget of € 3,000,000. The Call for proposals to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women (REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019) has a budget of 11,700,000 million. Its deadline date is June 13, 2019. 


The deadline for the Call for proposals to promote the effective implementation of the principle of non-discrimination (REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2019) is June 20, 2019. The call has a budget of € 4,,000,000. Its aim is to tackle at least one of the following grounds for discrimination listed in Art. 19 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. The deadline for the Restricted call for proposals to support National Roma platforms (REC-RDIS-NRCP-AG-2019) is also June 20, 2019. ?The call has a budget of €  1,000,000. National Roma platforms are expected to encourage and facilitate dialogue, mutual learning, cooperation, and policy reviews between all national stakeholders. Inclusion of Roma people, particularly women and youth is encouraged.


The budget for the Call for proposals to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online (REC-RRAC-RACI-AG-2019) is € 7,000,000. The priorities of this call are as follows: 

Taking into consideration the perpetual number of manifestations advocating racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance, such as Antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred, Afrophobia, Antigypsyism, anti-migrant hatred, transphobia, hate crimes against persons with disabilities, and considering the need to further improve responses to these phenomena, the three priorities below shall be financed. Whereas several measures and initiatives are listed, it is not requested to include all of them in a single project. Projects with a strong focus are very much valued. The submission deadline date is April 24, 2019.

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